What are a unicorn tattoo and where can you find a very popular design? It is said that the unicorn was the favourite of the ancient Greeks, and legend says that once upon a time, there lived a young man by the name of Eros, who loved to ride on a white horse into battle.

He was an important mythical creature for both men and women. With this in mind, many people often wonder what kind of design they should get for their tattoo. How do you know if it is going to be good art or just generic clichés?
The key to getting a good tattoo design is simple. You need to find something that you are passionate about and stick with it. This could mean getting a design from an artist or simply looking through your scrap booking collections for something you enjoy. Whatever you decide, make sure you enjoy what you are doing and are happy with it.

There are hundreds of different kinds of tattoos, both feminine and masculine. Many of these include the mythical unicorn. The unicorn tattoo is a great option for both a female and a male because of its white coat. There are many types of this tattoo, including tusks, antlers, winged horn or even a tail.
Unicorn tattoos were traditionally inked on the arms, which is one of the places where a lot of ink would be spilled over. These days, there are a variety of options that are more hygienic, and some even have matching sleeves. Many people choose to have the unicorn tattoo inked in another part of the body, such as the calf or ankle.
Unicorn tattoos are a great tattoo because the design itself is so large and complex. While you are having a design made, there are many choices of colours and sizes that are available. You can have the head of the unicorn done in black, grey, or brown, depending on the individual design you are working on.