Rainbow flag

If you are getting ready for the next LGTB pride day, or maybe you are from some association and need some LGTB banners. The LGTB rainbow flag was created by Gilbert Baker in 1978 for LGTB organization in California (By well known Harvey Milk, a rising queer activist). It is a worldwide symbol and means a recognizable emblem of empowerment for the queer community and it is said that was inspired by the song “Over the Rainbow” performed by Judy Garland.

Please take a look at all our products and feel free to shout out for LGTB pride!


Why do you have to buy a gay rainbow flag

The first issue we commonly reflect on consideration on whilst we see a multicoloured flag like the one inside the photograph is that it is the brand of the LGBT motion worldwide. It is viable that we’re wrong because it isn’t the simplest group that blows the colours of the rainbow inside the wind.

If we count the number six stripes of colours inside the order red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet, we are dealing with an apology of sexual freedom, but if we have one greater strip of mild blue colour, it’s far then the peace flag (red below) or the flag in reminiscence of the Inca Empire (red above). They aren’t the only flags which could lead us to error: there is a long listing of banners that mimic the rainbow’s colour range.

This 2020 after all the suffering for all the reasons that we all know, is the opportunity, now more than ever to claim what is yours.
Not one step back, we must continue to fight against intolerance, against established homophobia, take one of these flags and raise it proudly and enjoy the freedom that gives you the pride of saying and knowing who you are and that you are proud.